Changing times: what are the 3 stages of the educational content shift?


Now more than ever, the quality of online learning materials should be up to par. To make sure your content meets current demands, it's important to be aware of the educational shift that's taking place. Content-wise, this shift consists of 3 stages. In this blog post, we'll discuss them briefly. What stages do we distinguish, and which steps are relevant in each?

1. From print to digital content

This transition enables the digital distribution of educational content, allowing for time- and location-independent access to educational content. Suppose you're currently working on going from print to digital. At some point during the process, you will start looking for a way to manage your content in a content management system (CMS). A CMS will undoubtedly improve your digital asset management, but will it also speed up your time to market and save cost? To achieve these goals, you will probably want a system that allows you to perform key content management tasks, such as the automation of content labelling.

2. From digital to interactive content

At this stage, content is no longer static and user data comes into play, enabling distance teaching and learning. At this point, your content is typically played back in an e-learning environment. If, for example, you have a ton of test questions perfectly labelled in your CMS, how can you optimise their 'external' usability? The time has come to publish your content labels to the e-learning environment and start driving higher learner engagement.

3. From interactive to personalised content

During the final transition, fully-fledged personalised education is offered. Now, you should divide your content into increasingly smaller labelled units, and the content should be able to match itself with a learner within an e-learning platform. The purpose is to create personalised content, enabling full adaptation to a person’s learning journey and providing learning materials based on topic and level of difficulty.

Time for some introspection!

The question, of course, is where you currently stand. Now that you're familiar with the different stages of the educational shift, have a closer look at the type of content you deliver so as to determine the digitalisation stage you're at. If you'd like to discuss the best steps to take, don't hesitate to contact us.

Want to know more about new content management, creation, and delivery methods? Keep an eye on our upcoming blog posts!